Indestructible Dog Ball on Strong Nylon Rope for Dog Training. Dog Water Ball of Indian Rubber for Dog Games
Indestructible dog ball is our newest dog toy, that floats on water! This dog ball is made of high-quality Indian rubber, that`s why the ball is very durable and rather soft for dog`s teeth. You`ll surely overjoy your pet with our dog rubber ball. By the way, our rubber dog ball doesn`t sink in water so you can play with your favourite without fear of losing the dog toy ball in water!
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Indestructible Dog Toy Ball of Natural Indian Rubber!
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Dog Water Balls in Colors for Dog Games and Training
Key qualities of this Indestructible Dog Ball:
- 100% safe materials
- solid nylon rope
- hypoallergic and non-toxic
- floats on water
- selected quality
Functionality of this Indestructible Dog Ball:
- for puppies
- for adult dogs
- interactive dog games
- dog games on water
- dog training on water
- dog training
- dog exercising
- Material: Indian rubber, 92%
- Length of rope: 24 inch (60 cm)
- Ball diameter: 2 3/4 inch (7 cm)
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Rubber Dog Ball for Games and Training in Water
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Perfect Training Dog Balls for Summer Water Activities
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This Dog Ball Doesn't Sink in Water!
Look How Dogs Like This Toy Ball
Photos, Sent by Our Customers
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Marley Enjoys New Toy Ball on Rope - Picture from Tracey, Leicester, UK
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Jock Loving His Toy from You ❤, Geraldine, UK
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Our Rubber Ball on Rope Is Jock's Favorite Toy
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Beautiful German Shepherd Fenfis with Her New Rubber Ball
Feedback from Our Customers
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by
1. Rubber ball is excellent, as is the service. Thank you ever so much. I will be placing another order for another toys shortly. Kind regards
From: Jane, USA
2. Thank you, Julia, gift ball on rope has been delivered today, it is fantastic and my dog loves it. I should say that the collar is really good and leather is so soft. You sell truly high-quality products, which are great for large breeds as supplies of low quality break down quickly. Thank you once again. More photos are further. My dog's name is Fenris, she is 15 months German Shepherd. Best regards.
From: Paul, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK

We have also rubber dog ball of smaller size (6 cm).
See the whole supply of our interactive dog toys for dog training and games.