Leather Dog Collar with Square Brass Studs for Belgian Shepherd. Caterpillar Dog Collar for Malinois
Leather dog collar with brass studs will perfectly fit for Belgian Shepherd training and daily walking. It`s a reliable dog control tool and an original dog accessory at the same time. Exclusive "caterpillar" design will lay emphasis on your Belgian Shepherd`s beauty.
Our leather dog collar is decorated with 2 rows of square brass studs. It`s a top quality and durable dog collar, that will serve your Malinois for a long time and delight your eye with its stylish look.
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Leather Dog Collar Caterpillar Style with Square Brass Studs
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Studded Dog Collar with Solid and Safe Hardware
Key qualities of this Leather Dog Collar:
- thick well-oiled leather
- waxed and rounded edges
- 2 rows of square brass studs
- corrosion-resistant fittings
- easy regulated size with buckle
- D-ring for lead fastening
- "caterpillar" design
- selected quality
Functionality of this Leather Dog Collar:
- dog walking
- dog training
- dog control
- dog exercising
Characteristics of this Leather Dog Collar:
- Material: genuine leather
- Size: for dogs with 14-40 inches neck size
- Width: 1 1/2 inch (40 mm)
See how our Caterpillar Dog Collar looks on Malinois
Pictures from Customers
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Fashion Dog Collar Caterpillar Style on Belgian Shepherd
Feedback from Our Customers
Published testimonials are genuine.
1. Just got the collar today, it`s excellent. collar is excellent. The collar is firmly made with very nice leather. It fits perfectly around my dog's neck and he is very comfortable with it. I will certainly recommend your company to anyone that comments on the collar. Thanks.
From: Matt, USA

See our unique collection of dog harnesses and dog collars for Belgian Shepherd.